Monday, November 24, 2008

Madison is...

So I'm one of those Facebook junkies. I don’t play those awful games or take those lame tests (unless I'm so bloody bored that finding out my personality job is "nurse/doctor" is like a zen revelation)...

But I do get a kick out of receiving up to the minute data about where my long lost friends are and what they are doing in their lives.

I too enjoy updating my status.

Mostly cuz I think I'm wicked interesting and everyone is dying to know what I'm doing...

But partially because it gives me the opportunity to reflect for a moment where I am in life at that very second.

So today I was sitting there, with a blinking curser

Madison is...

And there were waves of nothing-ness, then optimism, then sadness, then regret, then embarrassment, then reality, then grit, then reflection, then disappointment, then sheer panic and anxiety that I couldn’t even figure out what I was.

Madison is...

Just not able to deal with this today.

Madison will deal with this tomorrow. Or maybe not.

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